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Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 - Part 2



Authors as Published

Presented by Amber D. Vallotton, Extension Specialist, School of Plant & Environmental Sciences; Melissa Chase, Consumer Food Safety Program Manager, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Joell Eifert, Director, Food Innovations Program, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech; Laura K. Strawn, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Food Science and Technology, Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center; and Robert C. Williams, Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech

This publication is available as a video only.

In Part 2 of a four part series, we will take a look at expanding practices and policies related to worker health and hygiene in the environment of prevention and mitigation of COVID-19.. Presented by Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists, Melissa Chase, Joell Eifert, Laura Strawn, Rob Williams, and Amber Vallotton. This webinar was conducted on April 9, 2020.

More COVID-19 resources can be found at COVID-19.

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Publication Date

April 20, 2020