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Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Results 2022



Authors as Published

Maria Balota, Ph.D., Professor Crop Physiology, Virginia Tech – Tidewater AREC, Jeffrey Dunne, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Peanut Breeder, North Carolina State University, Dan Anco, Ph.D., Peanut Extension Specialist, Clemson University;

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Along with agronomic and grade information, data on kernel and pod quality are essential for release of new peanut cultivars to ensure acceptability by the entire peanut trade. The present report contains the quality data collected on 5 Virginia-type cultivars that currently are on the market and 20 advanced breeding lines tested in the Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation (PVQE) small plots in 2022.

You can find older Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Results can be found on the VCE Annual Publications Archive.

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Publication Date

April 21, 2023