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HPAI Transmission in Cattle- Webinar



Authors as Published

John Currin, Clinical Associate Professor, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine; Kevin Lahmers, Clinical Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine; Gillian Eastwood, Assistant Professor, Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech; Eric Day, Manager, Insect Identification Lab, Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech; Teresa Dellinger, Insect Identification Lab, Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech; Lisa Ellis McCormick, Beef Center of Excellence Coordinator, School of Animal Sciences and Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

This publication is available in a video file format only.

HPAI Transmission in Cattle is an emergent disease that is making its way through the Bovine population. This webinar can be used to answer frequently asked questions, to identify what we currently know about the disease, and the steps to take to limit the spread of the disease.

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Publication Date

April 30, 2024