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Mexican Bean Beetle
This publication reviews the biology and management of Mexican bean beetle, an herbivorous lady beetle (Coccinellidae) that feeds on bean crops (legumes).
Aug 30, 2019 ENTO-326NP
Mexican Bean Beetle
Mexican Bean Beetle (MBB), Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Fig. 1), is an herbivorous lady beetle (Coccinellidae) that feeds on bean crops (legumes) in North America. It is similar to the squash lady beetle, Epilachna borealis, which feeds primarily on cucurbits. MBB can cause significant defoliation damage to various bean crops particularly in the genus Phaseolus (snap beans, lima beans, pole beans, etc.). It will also feed on soybean, alfalfa, beggarweed, kudzu, and other legumes.
Dec 13, 2013 ENTO-51NP