Jonathan Dickerson
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Jon acts as the primary field and greenhouse manager at the CSES Turfgrass Research Center (TRC). His responsibilities include supervising wage employees and training new employees in various research
protocols, equipment use, and safety procedures. He keeps pesticide/fertilizer records and is the certified pesticide/fertilizer applicator for treatments required by faculty and students at the TRC. In
addition to keeping records, inventory, and safety protocols for agri-chemicals and other agricultural research procedures; He operates farm machinery, mowers, and other specialized turf equipment.
Jon also performs and records maintenance on equipment such as automobiles, tractors, mowers, and specialized research equipment used in field and greenhouse settings. Jon establishes field research areas, lays out plots, mixes and applies experimental treatments; and, collects and enters data as needed. He also interacts and cooperates with industry/extension personnel to provide quality research and educational projects and programs. In addition to coordinating the use of facilities and equipment, the field manager will cooperate with faculty in related fields to instruct students and others in areas pertinent to agronomy (turf, crops) and soil science.
Jon received a B.S. in Environmental Science from Virginia Tech 2010 and M.S. in Crop and Soil Environmental Science from Virginia Tech in 2013